
Hyper Editor is a block based content editor. You might want to create different kinds of block that then be used in the frontend editor.

There are two different way you can create block. In both cases you are going to extend hypereditor.blocks.base.Block class.

It might be better to separate Hyper Editor blocks from other codes of your project. That is why we will use file to keep our blocks.

Create a file named in your django app where, resides (in application folder).

Simple Blocks

Lets create a simple heading block.

from hypereditor.blocks.base import Block
from hypereditor.blocks import register

# register block with a block_type parameter
class Heading(Block):

    # Title & Description of your block as seen at HyperEditor block chooser
    title = 'Heading'
    description = 'Heading Block'

    # Your settings fields for block
    schema = {
        "fields": [
                "type": "input",
                "inputType": "text",
                "label": "Heading Text",
                "model": "text"
                "type": "select",
                "label": "Heading Type",
                "model": "type",
                "values": ['h{0}'.format(i) for i in range(1, 7)]

    # Initial values for your settings field
    initial = {
        "type": 'h3'

You should see your Heading block is now showing in Hyper Editor.

Block Templates

Each block must have at least one template. Templates are related to Block Styles in Hyper Editor.

Lets create a default template for our heading block.

  • Create a directory called hypereditor in your templates folder.

  • Create another directory called blocks inside hypereditor folder.

  • Create another directory with the same name of your block_type

  • Create a template named default.html

Your folder structure should look like following -

├── templates
│   └── hypereditor
│       ├── blocks
│       │   ├── heading
│       │   │   └── default.html

It might look like a bit much, but we found it helps us separating when there are lots of blocks.

Now add following in your template -

<{{ obj.settings.type }}>

    {{ obj.settings.text }}

</{{ obj.settings.type }}>

Template Context

Yet to be documented

Advance Blocks

Yet to be documented.